Thursday, November 15, 2012

Improve your health simply by drinking organic green tea

Organic tea products may be expensive compared to non- organic teas but the organic tea leaves are disease free. It is widely grown very safe from insect attack and growing organic tea plant requires a good soil structure and nutrients. This tea plant is grown without any artificial fertilizers. Organic green tea gets more popularity because it takes the natural way of nourishment. The medicinal properties of organic tea are important for maintaining good health. Green tea requires minimum oxidation during processing. Green teas are picked handmade during spring seasons. It is in the bright green color and baked in the oven after picked.

In general, Organic Green Tea products differ from country to country. There are many tea varieties grown in the world like China, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Indonesia and India. In these days, the organic products are having high demand in the market. The Aromatic Organic Green Tea is more popular among people all over the world. It is having lots of positive effects on the body but more expensive due to the production cost. The organic tea is more natural form of tea plants. In these days, there are many tea plantations converting to organic because it provides good and tasteful tea. Organic tea extracts are produced from the high quality organic tea.

Organic green tea is highly produced on the Indo - Nepal border. The Organic tea is cultivated with the use of nature solutions and it provides environmental protection. This kind of tea can be made from the healthiest crop. Tasteful tea is prepared from the best organic green tea leaves. These leaves are grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. So, it does not absorb any harmful chemicals. It is very safe and healthy for human body. In modern days, the producers sell their organic tea products online too. The only negative side effect of it is insomnia, because it contains caffeine.

Benefits to your health

It was originated in Asia and it is used as an herbal medicine and drink. It has various flavors and used to stimulate healing abilities for wounds. The Chinese people have founded that the organic green tea includes many medical properties. Recently, the researchers have discovered that the organic tea has many powerful antioxidants namely polyphenols and so on. This antioxidant can help to reduce cholesterol level, destroy cancer cells and reduce blood clots in the body. It is more beneficial ingredient for various weight loss products. There are many exciting beneficial properties getting from green tea such as it reduces blood pressure, gives better digestion, fighting against cancer cells and improves bad breath. It includes a significant level of vitamin D and it is more important to maintain stronger bones.

Organic tea extract is a very powerful supplement and it enhances your skin. Some of the brands are specialized to provide organic tea. Buying and consuming organic tea is so important because it does not include toxic chemicals and protect the environment. Generally, most of the tea plants are cultivated by toxic chemicals and pesticides. It provides many health risks to people. But the organic tea is used to prevent cancer properties because it has no carcinogens. Organic green tea and Chamomile tea restores the body with high quantity of vitamin B content and it helps to relieve from stress and depression.

Check out for more details!

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California Tea House is pioneer in providing Tea varieties to its clients with natural flavors and taste, that too at discounted prices with free delivery services. Located in California, USA, California Tea House serves all over the world through its onlines services and thus sitting in any corner of the world, you will not miss any flavor which is not present in your area. Our aim is to work globally and to spread our flavors globally. You can check out our High Tea, Peace Tea, Sleepytime Tea, Decaffeintaed Tea, Oolong tea, loose leaf sencha tea, Chamomile tea, chai tea, valerian root tea and much more from tea portfolio. Enjoy every sip and just go for it

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Can Chai tea help to maintain weight loss?

Chai is one of the most popular teas used in many parts of the world. It was originated from India. It is milk based tea and made up of the combination of sweetener, heavy milk and various spices and rich black tea. But the use of spices varies from place to place. It has been one of the most popular in Eastern countries. Chai tea is a great alternative to coffee. It is suited for both chilled and warm regions and climates. Indian based Chai tea is made using herb supplements such as pepper, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon and cloves. This tea gives the soothing and warming effect. It has natural digestive properties.

Health benefits of Chai tea

Chai tea is used to protect you against illness, colds, blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It helps to improve and control the immune system. It includes many anti- oxidants properties which can increase the blood flow and give youthful skin. The chai tea contain very low amount of caffeine. The main ingredient, Cinnamon is used to treat indigestion and nausea. It helps to make stronger digestive system. Ginger is an anti- inflammatory agent and used to treat arthritis. It reduces aches in the whole body and severity of cold and strengthens respiratory system. Chai tea is considered as a great metabolism booster.

The main benefits of drinking Chai Tea are giving relief from menstrual cramps, morning sickness and motion sickness. Chai tea is a delicious and healthy beverage which improves your health. It is prepared with less quantity of caffeine and has a component of tannin which produces the calming effect to the nervous system. It is better for the environment too. In general, the chai tea is a caffeine free variety as like Decaffeinated Tea and provides additional health benefits. The chai products are grown without fertilizers, sludge or chemical pesticides. There are many varieties available in the chai tea depending on their ingredients. You can buy chai tea in affordable rates and can be purchased from your nearby stores or online tea stores easily.

Chai tea is used for weight loss. Masala chai tea is the combinations of hone, black tea and honey. Cinnamon helps to reduce the excess weight. It is used to stimulate the metabolism. It can improve the digestive process and the proper digestion causes weight loss. The pepper acts similar to the cardamom and it produces the same effect to the digestive system. These properties improve circulatory system and clearing respiratory system.

Preparation of Chai tea

Simply, you need a cup of water, cardamom pods, cloves, cup of milk, needed quantity of sugar, small amount of Darjeeling tea leaves, cinnamon and fresh ginger root. These ingredients are placed along with water and then put to boil. Add milk, tea leaves and remove from boiler. If you wait for 3 minutes after that, you will get a tasteful chai tea. The masala chai tea is a combination of herbs and aromatic spices. This kind of tea is more popular beverage in Southern parts. The chai tea benefits are useful for getting healthy life.

Check out for complete details!

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California Tea House is pioneer in providing Tea varieties to its clients with natural flavors and taste, that too at discounted prices with free delivery services. Located in California, USA, California Tea House serves all over the world through its onlines services and thus sitting in any corner of the world, you will not miss any flavor which is not present in your area. Our aim is to work globally and to spread our flavors globally. You can check out our High Tea, Peace Tea, Sleepytime Tea, Decaffeintaed Tea, Oolong tea, loose leaf sencha tea, Chamomile tea, chai tea, valerian root tea and much more from tea portfolio. Enjoy every sip and just go for it!!

Does Sleepytime tea help to your healthy life?

Sleepytime tea is one kind of herbal tea which is made from natural herbs without caffeine and many extra calories. This tea has many medical qualities. It helps in indigestions and fighting against nausea and infection. In general, the flavored teas are liked by everyone and made with flavors of apple, orange and rosehip in order to make them delicious. But herbal teas are also available and it includes ginger, thyme and peppermint. Herbal tea contains real herbs and they remain more effective remedy for certain health conditions. The Sleepytime Tea comes with the grass green box. It is also observed as caffeine free and natural herb tea.

Ingredients of sleepytime tea

The following ingredients are needed to prepare healthy sleepytime tea - rosebuds, blackberry leaves, chamomile, lemon grass, orange blossoms, spearmint, hawthorn berries, tilia flower and few more. If you are taking a cup of the sleepytime tea half an hour before going for bed, you will get a wonderful sleep. You will wake up next day in good spirit and with refreshed mood. It has no side effects and have perfectly balanced flavor of herbal ingredients. It is one of the best gifts for tea lovers. It was introduced by Charlie Baden and came to production in Celestial Seasonings since 1975.

Health benefits of sleepytime tea

This kind of tea is more beneficial for people who have recurring problems like insomnia. It provides intoxicating results. The Sleepytime extra tea contains valerian root which is an herb and has sedative properties. It is used to reduce anxiety. There are many doctors and health providers recommend that the valerian root for anti- depressant medication. There are many categories found in sleepytime tea. These kinds of teas are specifically made for people who have discomfort over sleeping. It is one of the natural solutions to provide you good results. It is used to promote your sleep. It gives relaxing and calming feel to the body and mind.

Preparation of Sleepytime tea

This tea is easy to make and can be made quickly. Simply, you need hot water and sleepytime tea bag. This bag needs a dip in hot water for four minutes. After then, you will get a tasteful and wonderful tea. It is a flower based herbal tea. Chamomile is used for treating various conditions. The sleepytime tea help with insomnia make it prescribed for patients. This kind of tea has no preservatives and artificial colors.

About ingredients of Sleepytime tea

Chamomile is the most common ingredient in sleepytime tea which causes the excessive drowsiness. It includes anticoagulant properties. Tilia, the yellowish flowers are found from linden trees. It gives a sweet tasting tea. Sometimes, it can cause cardiac damages to the body. Lemongrass is used in India for treating external and internal wounds. The blackberry leaf is another main ingredient in sleepytime tea. It may sometime upset your stomach and cause nausea and vomit.

Availability of Sleepytime tea

You need not have to worry that where can I buy sleepytime tea, since it can be easily purchased from online tea stores, health, food stores and local grocery stores, so why not go for online delivery option so enjoy it sitting at home!!

Check out for more details.

California Tea House is pioneer in providing Tea varieties to its clients with natural flavors and taste, that too at discounted prices with free delivery services. Located in California, USA, California Tea House serves all over the world through its onlines services and thus sitting in any corner of the world, you will not miss any flavor which is not present in your area. Our aim is to work globally and to spread our flavors globally. You can check out our High Tea, Peace Tea, Sleepytime Tea, Decaffeintaed Tea, Oolong tea, loose leaf sencha tea, Chamomile tea, chai tea, valerian root tea and much more from tea portfolio. Enjoy every sip and just go for it!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Check your sleeping disorder with Sleepytime Tea

As per ancient people, Tea is considered as stimulant which keeps your system active if you are falling asleep. If you remember, in your childhood days, you must have heard from your granny or some elder person that you should drink tea of coffee if you wish to study for long hours in night during exam days but now days this concept has changed altogether.

Studies have been done on tea and we have quality of tea in market which can help you to take deep sleep if you are not able to sleep comfortably at nights. Different Bed time chai ranges have been launched in market and these varieties has actually helped the people suffering from Sleep apnoea.

Sound sleep at night is one of the vital factors which can keep your bod healthy and strong so in case of lack of it person start suffering from different ailments and complications in body. But nowadays a new relationship between sleep and power of tea has been discovered.

Different varieties of tea are available in market which can give you relaxation that was lacking from intake of different medicines and healing methods.

Chamomile tea

The chamomile plant has sleep promoting properties in it and its brewing also add to the effectiveness in bringing wonder sleep. Taking this tea at bedtime can give you a soothing sleep from all worries. Health benefits derived from Chamomile tea also include relief from stress, colds and menstrual cramps.

Valerian Root tea

Valerian Tea is a wonder drink for insomnia patients and act as Bed Time Drink for those as it helps in giving calming effect to nerve system. California Tea House's tea from valerian root has a unique combination of properties from Honey Bush for its soothing qualities, Chamomile blossoms and cinnamon to give it chai properties and nice dose of Organic valerian root to combat sleeplessness.

Sleepytime Tea

Patients suffering from Insomnia can only know the difficulties faced due to it and they try to find solution by one way or the other to combat the disorder. A new tea discovered by California Tea house in this regard is its Sleepytime Tea which is specifically designed to check this problem. A cup of this tea an hour before you leave for bed will do magic for you. You just need to keep a note of the thing that there should be no caffeine intake at least 8 hours before you sleep and after having sips of hot brewing sleepytime tea get ready to go for sleep with some soft music, reading some comic or love story or the most loving one is cuddle in bed with your sweetheart.

You can get the solution of the most sought after problem with your favourite beverage and online tea stores can help you a lot in getting the home delivery of this magic drink. You need not to roam here and there rather get the best quality tea at your doorstep and that too at the most affordable prices!

Check out for more details!

Resource Box: 

California Tea House is pioneer in providing Tea varieties to its clients with natural flavors and taste, that too at discounted prices with free delivery services. Located in California, USA, California Tea House serves all over the world through its onlines services and thus sitting in any corner of the world, you will not miss any flavor which is not present in your area. Our aim is to work globally and to spread our flavors globally. You can check out our High Tea, Peace Tea, Sleepytime Tea, Decaffeintaed Tea, Oolong tea, loose leaf sencha tea, Chamomile tea, chai tea, valerian root tea and much more from tea portfolio. Enjoy every sip and just go for it!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Enjoy Blooming Tea flavours with beauty

Tea which is the most common drink is prepared in different ways by different people and the people enjoy it in the manner they want. As some people who are fond of drinking strong tea add more quantity of tea leaves while brewing it up and those who just want a flavour of tea leaves in their tea add a pinch of that into it.
Now the question arises, Do they know the actual flavour of tea or are just drinking it for the sake of drinking?? For answering this query, first of all we need to prepare tea in a manner in which it should be really prepared so that one can know the real flavour of the type of tea he/ she is going to have.

Let’s take the illustration of preparing blooming tea which is considered as the best flowering tea and it blooms your mood with a sip of it. Suppose you are going to prepare a cup of flowering tea (say it is Black Gold Blooming Tea), here are simple steps to follow:

Heat about six ounces of water in a pan

Keep in mind that pan should have capacity after filling measured quantity of water into it to give space to the leaves to brew efficiently.

Drop a single handmade blooming tea ball into the hot water and let steep for 4 to 6 minutes until the flower blooms.

As you see that the tea has bloomed fully so take it off from the flame and it is ready to drink.

Blooming tea as its name suggests brings charm and blooms in life so it is considered as the best for wedding favours and for party gifts. There are some tea houses which can give it extra advantage by adding your personalized touch to the tea if you wish to gift it to somebody. As in California Tea House, there is amazing offer that you just email them your private labelling details and they will deliver you perfect gift to be presented at some dear ones occasion of say wedding and you can present this wedding gift tea blooms with your personal touch say presenting sombody chamomile tea in pregnancy at baby shower function.

Blooming tea has an artistic touch, if an artist sees the brewing of blooming tea flowers in a clear pitcher or vase he can make a life time art of it as the beautiful display this tea makes while brewing with its super fine tea and floral ingredients make it more than something to drink. Once you have seen the brewing of this tea you will have an extra flavour while enjoying its every sip.

There are different types of blooming tea available in market and you can pick and choose the type of tea you want, as there is Black Gold, Endless Summer, Golden Sunrise, Peri Flower, Titanic Blossom, Violet Moon and the price of these ranges in $3 to $ 4 and you can enjoy the best combination with white Silver needle tea at your home with home delivery services too through online tea stores.

Visit for tea details!

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California Tea House is pioneer in providing Tea varieties to its clients with natural flavors and taste, that too at discounted prices with free delivery services. Located in California, USA, California Tea House serves all over the world through its onlines services and thus sitting in any corner of the world, you will not miss any flavor which is not present in your area. Our aim is to work globally and to spread our flavors globally. You can check out our High Tea, Peace Tea, Sleepytime Tea, Decaffeintaed Tea, Oolong tea, loose leaf sencha tea, Chamomile tea, chai tea, valerian root tea and much more from tea portfolio. Enjoy every sip and just go for it!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chinese Oolong Tea: Perfect for the body

Rising attractiveness of Chinese Oolong tea amid the western world has shaped greater possibility for investigate for this atypical variety of Chinese tea. While the mystery linked with the name Oolong hangs, more cheering consequences add up to the integrity of Chinese Oolong tea - an ideal merge of fine taste and excellent health.

Chinese Oolong tea is somewhat oxidized and were first manufactured in China, but these days many other countries are also producing Oolong. There are two special techniques to produce Oolong namely traditional oolong & light Chinese Oolong.

Traditional Chinese Oolongs are produced by drying up the leaf in the sun and then on cane baskets. This permits some of the water in the leaf to disappear and the oxidation process begins. When 70% oxidation has taken place, the leaf is turned in a warm pan to end further oxidation. These gloomy classic Chinese oolongs present light tawny juice and have a squashy silky character.

The making of the light Chinese oolongs begins with the tumbling of the leaf. When they accomplish 30% oxidation, further oxidation is stopped by the same procedure mentioned above. Next day, the leaf is enfolded in large cloths. Each bag is tauten and then spun in a machine to bash and compress the leaves inside. The bag is then unwrapped and the compressed leaf is divided and right away covered again.

Chinese Oolong Tea has benefits just like any other tea. Some of the plus points of consuming this tes are as follows:-

•Healthy Heart:

Chinese Oolong tea helps in sinking persistent physical conditions as inflammatory chaos, coronary artery bugs, and cholesterol levels. This tea also helps in improving dental health, supporting well-built bone arrangement, and a good looking skin.


Oolong Tea Benefits are numerous. The next one is that it is helpful in anti-aging, reducing blood pressure and is an immunity-booster. A variety of scientific researches tell that the Chinese Oolong tea can help one in digesting the food better.

•Weight Loss:

Presence of anti-oxidants in Oolong tea stimulates numerous enzymes and organizes the fat metabolism in human body.

•Clear Skin :

Folks suffering from skin ailments can get positive outcomes by consuming this tea. Oolong tea drinkers can have lower risks of skin cancer.


Oolong tea can also helps in treating diabetic mayhems. This herbal make can also work as an add-on to other extra drugs for curing diabetes.

Visit California tea house for amazingly fantastic Blooming Tea collection and order yours now!!

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Green teas are as varied and unique as wines. Their individuality depends on the growing region, the season's weather, time of harvest and type of process. Let California Tea House walk you through the fields of the finest green teas in the world. Along with this you will have several options available in hand as Sleepytime tea, Valerian Root , Blooming tea, Peace Tea, Oolong Tea, Dragon well and many more to satisfy your thurst for tea and different benefits from differnet options of tea will add advantage to your health system.Check out for more details!


Masala Chai Tea is a phrase which has turn out to be a tantamount to the tea all over the world. Frequently termed as the traditional masala tea, it is the most familiar aroma of tea existing in families across South-Asian realms. In fact according to a variety of surveys, conducted recently, folks all over the world refer to Masala Tea as just Chai. This is a proof to its recognition which grows on continuously with each admirer it makes with a cup of tea.

Quick Tea Masala Tea gives the same feel every time a person drinks it. Masala tea is a brew of a range of Indian seasonings like cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and pepper. This inserts a special tang and flavor to the cup of tea. While preparing Masala Chai Tea, a person put in the tea powder and then mixes jointly all these spices in it. The combination is then added to the steaming cup of water and sugar and then again is boiled for another 10 minutes. The more it is heated, the spirited the essence of these spices. The ultimate produce is a hot cup of slender Masala Chai Tea and an incident treasured for a long time.

Masala Chai Tea is appreciated by one and all not only because of its medical benefits but also for its excellent smell and flavor. The taste of the Chai Tea and its appealing fame continue to rise and sustain amongst the people around the world with all age groups and genders.

Classic masala tea is a drink of people's enjoyment thanks to its addictive savor. Apart from this, Masala Chai Tea has Benefits which no one can even envisage. With cardamom being the foremost factor in the constituents, tea is valuable in dealing with harms related to gums and teeth. Cardamom is also helpful in curing gullet problems. The masala tea is also helpful to alleviate pressure and headache and other stress associated disorders. It is alleged that this tea boosts blood passage, amplify vigor and strength, and lessen exhaustion. It also helps to help battle tumor and diabetes. Based on Ayurvedic values, spices are supposed to bring about a soother, refreshed and mentally-clarified form of life. That is why chai tea can be regarded a perfect remedy to the frustration fetched about by daily trauma in current life.

Get the finest blends of tea leaves in your Masala Chai Tea and refresh yourself for a new day start!

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Green teas are as varied and unique as wines.  Their individuality depends on the growing region, the season's weather, time of harvest and type of process.  Let California Tea House walk you through the fields of the finest green teas in the world. Along with this you will have several options available in hand as Sleepytime tea, Valerian Root , Blooming tea, Peace Tea, Oolong Tea, Dragon well and many more to satisfy your thurst for tea and different benefits from differnet options of tea will add advantage to your health system.Check out for more details!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Valerian roots- your cup of tea!!!

Valerian is a flowering plant having white or pink flowers which bloom in summer months. Earlier this plant used to be found only in parts of Europe and Asia but now its existence has stretched even in parts of North America as well. Size of Valerian plant is normally about 4 to 5 feet. You will rarely find a Valerian plant of size more than 5 feet.This is very well known plant in the field of herbal treatment.Valerian plant is an important ingredient of many health products available in the market. This plant is available in the form of capsule, tea, tablet or liquid extract in the market.

Valerian root tea is not only a nutritious natural resource but also has a lot of medicinal benefits. It is a kind of a tea which is prepared from this plant. It is generally taken to cure certain problems related to mental health. Tea from valerian root is consumed as medicine by a lot of patients who are suffering from frequent nervousness, stomach disorders and sore muscle pain. According to experts, Valerian root tea contains some peculiar phytochemicals which stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system of the human body. So upon its consumption you will feel relaxed as it reacts with a pre-existing chemical in the brain called gamma amino butyric acid.

It is recommended to intake Tea from Valerian Root with warm water of around a temperature of 85 degrees. Some may even find the roots of this plant a bit bitter so you may add honey or any other sweet essence to make it better in taste. Do not put the tea in boiling water as you might end up destroying the effectiveness of phytohemicals as they are sensitive to high temperatures. Dip the tea in water for about 10 minutes to ensure that all the beneficial components of the plant are dissolved properly in the warm water.

Although Valerian root tea has a lot of benefits but it is advised to have it only after consulting a doctor. Minor side effects in special cases are some small drawbacks of this plant’s tea. Also, though Valerian root tea is not addictive in nature but its tendency of giving immediate relief from stress sometime leads to physiological dependence.

You will not be able to resist yourself from drinking its Tea from Valerian Root once your taste buds have its taste.

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So all those who have already spent a lot of money to gain instantaneous relief from stress, it’s time for those to try Valerian Root Tea. Trust us, it works!!Check out for more details!

White Tea: Drink Your Way to Good Health

It is widely believed that discovery of tea was made by an accident, but what a great accident it has proved to be for the mankind. Today, this beverage has evolved into one of the most preferred beverages in the world. Millions of people throughout the world start their day with a cup of tea. Tea is also used for driving away lethargy and sleep. Today, a wide variety of teas are available in the market to choose from with all of them being fine examples of refreshing beverages. White tea is a very well-known variety of tea that has been used in China for centuries.

Tea growers in China developed several fine varieties of White tea during the 19th century and began to export them to different parts of the world. As a result, White tea is now readily available in the market. Organic white tea requires a lot of patience and hard work to be processed. The tea buds of this variety of tea are handpicked during the early spring. These leaves and buds are then dried slowly, which gives them a slivery white shade. White tea is handled very carefully during processing, which helps in retaining its beneficial qualities.

Just like other popular varieties of tea such as Green tea, Puerh, and Oolong Tea, white tea too contains high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols. All the fine varieties of white tea including Peony white tea are rich in antioxidants and are extremely beneficial for health. It is known to strengthen the immune system of the body and to provide protection against dreaded diseases such as cancer, heart attack, and stroke. More and more people are turning towards white tea because of the numerous health benefits that it offers.

While selecting white tea, it would be better to avoid tea bags as the high amount of processing required for making tea bags makes the tea lose its aroma, flavor, and health benefits. The best Silver Needle white Tea is usually available loose and should be bought for enjoying the superb flavor of tea buds that constitute this variety of tea. Internet is the best place for buying white tea as there are some very good websites that are offering the finest quality of this variety of tea at most reasonable prices.

Check out for more information!!

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If you are new to white teas, the best way to learn the varieties and range of flavor is to try our White Tea Flight.Drinking Chamomile Tea daily with meals may help prevent the complications of diabetes, which include loss of vision, nerve damage, and kidney damage, researchers in Japan and the United Kingdom are reporting.California Tea House has an exciting collection of Blooming Tea, also known as tea flowers or flowering teas, that we are always adding to. Our current list all use our fine Silver Needle white tea as the base tea structure and bundles into a beautiful blooming flower with tedious craftsman precision. If you haven't seen or tried a blooming tea before, it's a must. Visit now!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Organic Green Tea: A Cupful of Marvelous Benefits

Tea is one of the most popular beverages ever made by man. It is used by millions of people all over the world for giving a nice start to their day. One of the most important factors that have been responsible for the immense popularity of tea everywhere is its great flexibility. People living in different parts of the world have modified tea according to their own tastes and preferences, thereby further enriching the amazing world of tea. Tea is available in a wide variety to choose from and organic green tea is one of the most popular variants of tea available in the market.

The aroma and the flavor of organic green tea are loved by young and old all over the world. This variant of tea is also known to have positive effects on the mind and the body. Organic tea has a very rich history, which goes back to ancient Asia where it was used as a herbal medicine as well as a refreshing drink. It is known to have been used as a medicine because of its healing properties and was widely used for healing wounds and for controlling blood loss. Modern scientific research has also proved that organic green tea matcha is rich in powerful antioxidants known as polyphenol.

Additionally, Organic Green Tea is also known to have a number of other benefits. For instance, two cups of this tea a day can significantly help in controlling blood pressure and in keeping it under control. The polyphenol that is there in organic green tea helps in reducing the growth of carcinogenic cells along with improving the immune system. Another benefit of using organic green tea is that it soothes and cleans the digestive tract, thereby improving the digestion process. This is not all. Organic tea is also known to improve bad breath. It kills harmful bacteria and helps in maintaining better oral health.

You must be impressed by the numerous benefits of organic green tea by now and must be asking yourself, “Where Can I Buy Organic Green Tea?” The best place for getting organic green tea is the internet. There are some very good websites on the internet that are offering organic green tea. You will be able to find the complete range of herbal teas on these websites at most reasonable prices. Most of these websites are also offering home delivery, which ensures that you get the delivery of your favorite tea right at your doorstep.

So, go ahead and search online for the best organic green tea and enjoy a refreshing cup of tea in the company of your loved ones.

Visit now for exciting options available!!

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Green teas are as varied and unique as wines. Their individuality depends on the growing region, the season's weather, time of harvest and type of process.  Let California Tea House walk you through the fields of the finest green teas in the world. Along with this you will have several options available in hand as Sleepytime tea, Valerian Root , Blooming tea, Peace Tea, Oolong Tea, Dragon well and many more to satisfy your thorst for tea and different benefits from differnet options of tea will add advantage to your health system. Check out for more details!

Dragon Well Tea: The Amazing Secret to Good Health Revealed

Tea, the amazing beverage, has become an indispensable part of life for innumerable people all over the globe. The world of tea is expansive as it is used in almost every region of the world with people modifying it in their own ways. People love tea in all its forms and flavors and find it to be extremely beneficial for their health too. Various types of teas are popular because of the health benefits that they have, and one such beneficial variety of tea is Dragon Well tea, which is also known as the secret behind the longevity and good health of the ancient Chinese people.

It is a well known fact that the Chinese people were proficient in making the best use of natural resources for making their life more healthy and free from illnesses. Dragon Well tea was also used by them for remaining healthy and for protecting them against ailments such as stroke, heart attack, and cancer, to name just a few. The world has gradually come to know about some of the very well kept health secrets of Chinese people and long jing dragon well is one of them. Today, people all over the world are benefiting from Dragon Well tea and are leading a healthier life.

As mentioned above, Dragon Well tea was discovered by the Chinese people where some of the best known varieties of tea originated. Dragon Well tea is also known as Organic Dragon Well Tea and has some distinct characteristics which differentiate it from other varieties of tea. It has flat leaves that are jade green in color. The aroma of Dragon Well tea is very sweet and it has a lovely taste. The most important thing that differentiates Dragon Well tea from other variants of tea is the fact that it offers more health benefits than any other type of tea.

Regular intake of Dragon Well Green Tea enhances the immune system because it is rich in Vitamin C. This helps in preventing things like common cold and flu and keeps you healthy. Another amazing benefit of this variety of tea is that it strengthens bones and accentuates the radiance of the skin, thereby making you appear more attractive and young. If you want to stay healthy, the best and most simple thing that you can do is to start drinking Dragon Well tea regularly. You can search for Dragon Well tea online as there are some very good websites that are offering finest quality of this variant of tea at amazingly low prices.

Log on to for complete details!!

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Organic Dragon Well, is the national drink of China and customarily is given to visiting heads of state.  Like most other Chinese green tea, Dragon Well leaves are heated in a pan over open flame to end the fermentation process.  This fermentation occurs during the very tedious drying process.As with a few other California Tea House teas, our Organic Dragon Well is best brewed in mineral water. Other famous tea available in portfolio is Apricot Tea , blooming tea, sencha, high tea, Decaffeinated tea, Sleepytime Tea and many more. Check out for the best process informations and the competitive prices for the tea with us!!

High Tea: Enjoy Tea with a Small Meal

There was a time when inviting someone to tea was limited to a cup of tea only. Times have changed and so has the use of tea. Gradually this wonderful beverage began to gain importance in almost all the cultures where it was introduced. Slowly, people started serving other things with a simple cup of tea to make it a special one for the guests. Tea grew out of the shadow of being an accompaniment to the meals and started playing a pivotal role in the small parties and gatherings in which a number of things such as cookies, breads, and meats were served with it for entertaining the guests. The custom of High Tea was also born as a result of this transition in British culture and was intended to fill the space between the afternoon and evening meals.

It is a known fact that tea was invented in China during 2737 B.C. and then it gradually spread all over the world including Britain. It grew in popularity in this part of the world and became the most preferred beverage in the country. People also considered it to be safer than other beverages because water was boiled for preparing tea and boiling of water killed pathogens in it, thereby making it safe and beneficial. Tea began to be served in public houses that did a good business by serving meals with their drinks. People were also attracted towards tea because it had the quality of refreshing them without the jittering effect that coffee had. Although tea had made its entry into the British culture, High Tea was still unheard of and was waiting in the wings to make its appearance.

Tea had gained the reputation of being the beverage of the common man in Britain and was being widely used. People started having tea between the meals as the time between the meals was quite long and they needed to have something in between. This gap was particularly long between the lunch and the dinner. Tea became a solution to this problem and started being served along with leftover breads, cold meats, etc. This became quite popular during those days, and because tea was served on the dining table, which was typically the tallest table in the house, it was nicknamed High Tea. Usually, this type of tea was served between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. This custom of serving tea between lunch and dinner was also adapted by the royal family in the country.

Nowadays, High Tea is still as popular as it was hundreds of years ago and is being served with several new accompaniments. Things like tea sandwiches, Mandarin oranges, baby corn, miniature Artichoke, and small cookies and crackers are used now for adding a twist to the time tested custom of serving tea between afternoon and evening meals.

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Enjoying a cup or more of tea a day can extend your life by helping eliminate cancer causing free radicals from your body.  Drinking tea can also help promote healthy gums, skin, hair, weight loss.... the list goes on and on.  European super-models have long claimed the use of tea not only as a beverage, but also as a mask, for soaking in and as skin creams. These natural beauty techniques help promote healthy, clear skin, a white smile, shiny, healthy hair and a trim waistline. Different varieties of Tea like Iced Green tea, Decaffeinated Tea , Apricot Tea, Sleepytime Tea are the basic cause of these statements. Log on to for more details!!

Some Important Benefits of Honeybush Tea

Honeybush tea is getting increasingly popular all over the world because of its numerous benefits. It is readily available and is quite inexpensive, making it one of the most popular varieties of herbal teas.

Tea is used by millions of people around the world for starting a new day. This unique beverage is also used by people for entertaining their guests and for keeping alert and active. Regular type of tea has several benefits but it also has some disadvantages, which have made people to turn towards herbal tea. A wide range of herbal teas is available in the market and on the internet. People living in different parts of the world have further enriched the world of herbal teas with various new flavors that are specific to a particular geographical area. Honeybush is a South African herbal tea that is now becoming quite popular.

The botanical name of Honeybush tea is Cyclopia Intermedia and it grows along the slopes of the mountains in Langkloof and Cedarberg areas. It has been named so because of the honey like taste that it has. When brewed, the color of this variety of tea is red with a pinkish tint and it has an amazing taste. This great variety of tea is produced mostly in South Africa but is immensely popular all over the world. The basic reason for a large number of people not liking the regular type of tea is the caffeine content that is there in it. Caffeine is known to have several adverse effects on the human body. Great news about Honeybush is that it does not contain caffeine.

Another great quality of Honeybush is that it can significantly reduce hunger pangs and reduces water retention, which makes it ideal for dieters. This is a very inexpensive variety of tea but the benefits that it has make it really invaluable. Even a single cup of this variety of tea has an impressive range of essential minerals such as Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc,Sodium, etc. Apart from these, it also contains anti-oxidants which are known to slow down aging process of the cells of the body. Additionally, this wonderful beverage is also known to have anti-carcinogenic qualities.

A cup of Honeybush tea is brewed in the same way as you would any other type of tea. It has a wonderful taste that is hard to forget. There are some very good online stores that deal in this variety of tea. You can order it online through these suppliers and get your supply of Honeybush tea right at your doorstep. The prices offered by these websites are one of the lowest that you will be able find anywhere on the internet and the quality of the tea is as remarkable as it can be. You will not be able to find a better deal.

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Resource Box:

Enjoying a cup or more of tea a day can extend your life by helping eliminate cancer causing free radicals from your body.  Drinking tea can also help promote healthy gums, skin, hair, weight loss.... the list goes on and on.  European super-models have long claimed the use of tea not only as a beverage, but also as a mask, for soaking in and as skin creams. These natural beauty techniques help promote healthy, clear skin, a white smile, shiny, healthy hair and a trim waistline. Different varieties of Tea like Iced Green tea, Decaffeinated Tea , Apricot Tea, Sleepytime Tea are the basic cause of these statements. Log on to for more details!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Enjoy the Goodness of Apricot in Your Cup of Tea

Tea was discovered by the Chinese but it has transcended all natural, geographical, and political barriers and has evolved into a universal beverage, which is loved all over the world. It is one of the most popular beverages created by man and is the most preferred beverage around the world for starting a new day. There can be really nothing better than a cup of hot tea if you want to give your new day a great start. Historically speaking, the first cup of tea is said to have been brewed around 2737 B.C., which indeed was a very long time ago but the popularity of this beverage has kept on increasing, so much so that it has become an inseparable part of a number of cultures around the world.

One great quality of tea is its flexibility. It is prepared in different ways in different parts of the world with some new things being added that are specific to that particular geographical area and culture. This has enriched the world of teas with many new varieties such as flavored teas, green tea, white tea, Oolong Tea, black tea, Decaffeinated Tea, blooming tea, herbal teas, etc. Apricot tea, which is also a result of such experimentation with tea, is yet another popular variety of this beverage. Most of the people know that Apricot is a lovely fruit that has an amazing taste and is a favorite of numerous people all around the world. This love of the people for Apricot was the root cause behind the creation of tea with Apricot flavor.

The lovers of Apricot can now enjoy the lovely taste of their favorite fruit in their cup of tea as well and it has become possible only because of the Apricot tea. This special blend of tea is available on the internet with some websites selling this unique blend of tea. The specialty of this particular blend is that it has been created after trying a number of permutations and combinations. The tireless efforts of the tea specialists paid off with the creation of this unique blend that has mesmerized a large number of people in several countries across the world. This variety of tea makes you feel more energetic and revitalized because it has been created after conducting an extensive study about ancient aphrodisiacs. The tastier ones were selected and blended to create this superlative blend of tea.

There are some very good websites that are offering Apricot Tea along with other varieties of herbal and flavored teas to their customers. You can get your supply of this classy tea flavor from these websites and enjoy a great cup of tea in the company of your loved ones.

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Resource Box:

Enjoying a cup or more of tea a day can extend your life by helping eliminate cancer causing free radicals from your body.  Drinking tea can also help promote healthy gums, skin, hair, weight loss.... the list goes on and on.  European super-models have long claimed the use of tea not only as a beverage, but also as a mask, for soaking in and as skin creams. These natural beauty techniques help promote healthy, clear skin, a white smile, shiny, healthy hair and a trim waistline. Different varieties of Tea like Iced Green tea, Decaffeinated Tea , Apricot Tea, Sleepytime Tea are the basic cause of these statements. Log on to for more details!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Defeat Insomnia in a Delicious Way with Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea can be used for treating insomnia. This wonderful variety of herbal tea has an amazing taste and has a number of other benefits as well.

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world and is used by millions of people around the world to relax and unwind after a stressful day at work and also for kicking off a new day. You would have seen a number of people who use a cup of tea for shaking off lethargy during a sleepy afternoon or for getting rid of sleepiness in the middle of the night for completing their pending work. Tea is believed to enhance vigor and vitality, but have you ever thought that tea can be used for inducing sleep? Yes it is true! Actually, the regular kind of tea that most of us use everyday contains caffeine, which enhances alertness and shakes off lethargy. However, a herbal tea that contains chamomile can actually help you in sleeping well. Chamomile Tea Benefits are not limited to inducing sleep alone, though it definitely is its major benefit.

There can be nothing worse than spending a night tossing and turning in your bed without being able to sleep even after working exhaustively throughout the day. Sleeplessness or insomnia is a problem that millions of people are suffering from around the world. These people do everything possible for getting a good night’s sleep including taking of sleeping pills but all these methods are not very helpful. Taking sleeping pills has adverse effects on the body and can also be quite dangerous if they are taken in excess. Chamomile tea has come as a blessing for the patients of insomnia. Not only does it taste good, it also helps in inducing sleep in a natural way without having any adverse side effects on your body. Chamomile tea benefits definitely are very helpful.

Chamomile is a plant that belongs to the Sunflower family. It has been known to have a number of benefits and has been used for treating insomnia for more than 500 years. This amazing herb is usually found in areas of Asia and Europe that have temperate climate and is also found in areas having similar climate in America and Australia also. The seed of Chamomile plant requires open soil for flourishing properly and this plant is usually found by the roadsides and landfills where most of the people mistake it to be a worthless weed. It is also known as Wild Chamomile, Scented Mayweed, and Hungarian Chamomile. The leaves of this plant are usually bipinnate or tripinnate and the plant itself can grow up to 60 cm in length. The word chamomile means “earth apple” in Greek because the scent of this herb is very similar to that of freshly cut apples. Chamomile Tea Benefits, Peace Tea have attracted people towards this amazing herb and have made it popular.

Chamomile tea is being offered by some of the leading online tea stores. You can order your supply of chamomile tea from these stores and can get it delivered right at your doorstep within no time. Once you get your supply of chamomile tea, you can enjoy the numerous chamomile tea benefits along with your family.

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Resource Box :

Enjoying a cup or more of tea a day can extend your life by helping eliminate cancer causing free radicals from your body.  Drinking tea can also help promote healthy gums, skin, hair, weight loss.... the list goes on and on.  European super-models have long claimed the use of tea not only as a beverage, but also as a mask, for soaking in and as skin creams. These natural beauty techniques help promote healthy, clear skin, a white smile, shiny, healthy hair and a trim waistline. Different varieties of Tea like Iced Green tea, Decaffeinated Tea , Apricot Tea, Sleepytime Tea are the basic cause of these statements. Log on to for more details!!

A Cup of Tea: The Best of Bringing Peace Back Into Your Life

Modern lifestyle, that we have all become accustomed to, definitely has its own benefits. Today, we have prospered and have achieved so many things only because of the busy and result oriented lifestyle that we lead but there is also a darker aspect to this prosperity and success. Most of the people, these days, are so occupied with their own work and tight schedules that they find it difficult to spare some time for their parents, children, and even spouses. Time has become a luxury that most of us do not have. The stress is growing and we are beginning to lose touch with the small pleasures that life offers. We need to strike a balance between our busy lifestyle and our life and peace tea can really help us in doing that.

Most of the men and women have so much on their plates to juggle everyday that they forget about other important things in life. They wake up in the morning and get on with their work without wasting even a minute. They forget that they have a family that needs their time. A nice cup of tea can very well be peace tea as it can bring some sanity back into the proceedings. A cup of tea offers you a break from the fast routine of your life and responsibilities. It gives you time to pause and to think about other important things in life. Sipping on a cup of tea with your children playing in front of your eyes is indeed a great and relaxing experience.

Another small but important joy of life is the experience that you have when you are sitting with your spouse and having a soothing cup of tea while enjoying those moments of togetherness. This is the peace and bliss that we are talking about here. A cup of Peace Tea can be really helpful in letting you enjoy these subtle yet extremely important moments of life. This wonderful beverage has a quality of brining people together. Since its invention back in 2737 B.C. in China, tea has grown in popularity and has spread to all the countries of the world with millions of admirers around the world.

You can also bring in more peace and special moments in to your life with a cup of peace tea.  Take some time out of your busy schedule and enjoy a tea party with your friends in a leisurely afternoon and you will understand how interesting a simple tea party can be. Spare an evening for having a nice and refreshing cup of tea with your parents and share some quality time with them and celebrating as High Tea time. These things will definitely bring the much needed peace into your life and make you a better person and happy person.

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Resource Box:

Enjoying a cup or more of tea a day can extend your life by helping eliminate cancer causing free radicals from your body.  Drinking tea can also help promote healthy gums, skin, hair, weight loss.... the list goes on and on.  European super-models have long claimed the use of tea not only as a beverage, but also as a mask, for soaking in and as skin creams. These natural beauty techniques help promote healthy, clear skin, a white smile, shiny, healthy hair and a trim waistline. Different varieties of Tea like Iced Green tea, Decaffeinated Tea , Apricot Tea, Sleepytime Tea are the basic cause of these statements. Log on to for more details!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Get a Good Night’s Sleep with Sleepytime Tea in an Easy and Tasty Way

You must have often seen people drinking tea for keeping awake and alert while doing work or studying late in the night. Tea is also used for driving away laziness during sleepy afternoons. Most of the people associate tea with alertness and something that boosts concentration but have you ever thought that tea can also be used for getting a good night’s sleep? Yes it is true! There is herbal Sleepytime tea available on the internet that can help you fight insomnia in a better way. This amazing beverage has been used by numerous people till now and has been found to be extremely useful. Because of all this, the popularity of Sleepytime tea has significantly increased during the past few years.

Man has used herbs for inducing a good night’s sleep since centuries. Ancient societies relied on these herbs for curing insomnia and were quite successful too in doing so. Unfortunately, today’s man has lost touch with his roots and that is why the use of herbs has been marginalized. Today, most of the people depend on pharmaceutical solutions for curing their insomnia but what they do not know is that these pharmaceutical solutions contain chemicals and salts that can leave them feeling groggy and can also have other serious side effects. Use of herbal Sleepytime Tea, on the other hand, does not contain any harmful chemicals and is highly beneficial for your overall health.

The use of Sleepytime tea has been found to be more effective in curing insomnia than the available pharmaceutical products. Sipping a hot beverage can have a relaxing effect and will prepare your body for an excellent night’s sleep. Sleepytime tea is made from a variety of herbs, all of which have their own qualities that combine for achieving a common objective. Valerian (Valeriana Officinalis) is the main herb that is used for making sleep inducing herbal tea. This wonderful drug has been found to induce sleep in a very gentle but effective way. The root of valerian is blended with organically grown Honeybush and chamomile blossoms along with organic vanilla pieces, whole cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and roasted rice bits for preparing Sleepytime tea.

Valerian has been used for more than 500 years to induce sleep. This herb works quite differently than a regular type of pharmaceutical sleep remedies. Most of the pharmaceutical drugs used for inducing sleep produce results in less than one hour whereas valerian takes a lot longer but it has no adverse side effects either. This is why valerian has been used in Sleepytime tea and that is what makes it 100% safe for everyone regardless of their age or sex. If you have been finding it hard to be able to sleep lately, it would be better to switch to Sleepytime tea and experience the difference.

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Resource Box:

California Tea House will open your tea mind and body to the taste of flora and spice in our very own California blends. Introduce tea lovers to the amazing, untouched world of local, California-grown, organic herbal teas, Tisane tea, Blooming Tea, Dragon Well and to share with you their collection of the finest organic teas and custom loose leaf tea blends from the most sought after tea estates in the world and get best quality Sleepytime Tea. Visit us at for complete information!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Try Out Different Flavors Of Teas Like Dragon Well

A cup of tea can simply make up your entire day. Who does not like to have tea? After all, it is so relaxing and refreshing. Moreover, there are so many varieties of teas available in the market today, that you will get the opportunity to try out wide varieties of teas that you have never tried before. Have you ever tried dragon well tea? This is also known as longjing tea, and is available in a premium grade. These are again available in wide varieties of categories due to which you will simply go crazy for this form of tea if you ever get the chance to try it.

It is mainly the difference in brewing that makes the teas different. It is a delicate tea available in many flavors that can give you a great sense of refreshment. This is applicable in case of organic green tea, as well. This tea is produced organically, and therefore, is not only refreshing, but is healthy, as well. This is basically an unfermented tea made with the leaves of camellia, and are processed in different ways. There are many doctors today that recommend this tea because being highly rich in antioxidants; they are beneficial for the overall health.

In fact, the best thing that you will find about the green tea is that you will be able to take it in different ways. Iced green tea is a preferable option in this case because it is not only a healthy option, but at the same time, it can also serve as a cool and refreshing drink during the summer. Moreover, you will also be able to enjoy this refreshing drink in wide varieties of flavors, which in can definitely give you refreshment and relaxing effect.  There are large numbers of dealers from where you will be able to purchase wide varieties of tea flavors and types.

However, if you are interested in getting the real taste of tea, make sure that you purchase from a reputed dealer. Apart from green tea, if you want, you can also go for flavored black tea, which is again available in varieties. The price ranges vary based on the kind of flavor that you want to try out, but in any case, even if, you buy them at higher rates, you can be assured that the amazing tea drinking experience that you get will definitely be worth the value of your money.

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As with a few other California Tea House teas, our Organic dragon well is best brewed in mineral water.  Chinese folklore tells a story of rain water staying at the surface of well water due to its ability to fly.  This 'floating water' sometimes creates a twisting serpentine form in the well that resembles a dragon.  Brew your tea in this perfect water for the perfect cup, hence the name 'Dragon Well'. We have in stock different options like blooming tea, iced green tea, sencha tea , visit to check out more flavors!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tea and Weight Loss

Drinking Tea has its manifold benefits and It has its impact on different spheres of life right from health, antioxidant effects and on dietary levels also. Drinking tea has its benefits on the cardiovascular levels too and the most important thing behind which people run like mad, it helps in reducing weight also. This ancient Chinese proverb seems to be appropriate in today's age "Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one."

So there is no hinge in saying this thing that Weight loss is possible with Tea in fact this is a great news for the tea lovers who panic of following the dietary tips to reduce the weight which has in its list "leave Tea" on the top position. There are different varieties of Tea available in the market that you can pick and choose as per your taste and budget too. You can choose Decaffeinated tea, Honeybush, Oolong, Big Red Robe, Organic Green Tea and many more in the list. Choosing Tea from a reputed brand is also one of the major factors on which the quality of the product is based as the healthy benefits can be gained only if the packed Tea is processed in the right manner in which it is supposed to give the output. Further, the companies mention in the pack the best manner to prepare the tea to get the best effects in terms of flavour, colour and the impact it is supposed to leave on the health.

Drinking Tea targeting weight loss needs to drink it in the recommended manner. The fundamental principle behind this is that the tea increases the rate of metabolism and helps in the increase rate of burning calories each day leaving a little scope of increased weight when you have sips of tea along with when you eat something. The fast burning of calories gives you increased level of energy and more power to work which in turn leads to reduction in piling up of calories as you will tend to lose those through regular activity. Due to increased fat oxidation after taking tea, many people involved in a research were found to lose over 5% of their weight in 3 months after taking tea. Also drinking tea can help you to have a calm and relaxing sleep so you can enjoy your sleepytime tea for best results.

Organic Green Tea  is a god gift with its multiple benefits and positive outcomes on health. It eases in digestion, reduces bloating and has increased rate of burning calories than any other tea. Moreover, it is produced from herbal products so hardly has any negative output. Tea doesn't have any calories, unless you add sweetener or milk. Consuming even 250 fewer calories per day can result in losing one pound per week. If you're looking for a satisfying, calorie-free beverage, tea is a top choice.Drinking Tea alone will not be the solution for losing weight rather you need to be controlled in your eating habits as Tea is a supporting agent in your campaign to reduce weight. Enjoy your favourite sip of Tea with calorie free diet and enjoy the best health!

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Resource Box:

California Tea House will open your tea mind and body to the taste of flora and spice in our very own California blends. Introduce tea lovers to the amazing, untouched world of local, California-grown, organic herbal teas, and to share with you their collection of the finest organic teas and custom loose leaf tea blends from the most sought after tea estates in the world and get best quality sleepytime tea . Visit us at for complete information!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Importance of Flavor and Décor in Flowering Tea

Tea is certainly one of the most refreshing and relaxing drink that can give you a good way to start a day. The best part of it is that there are wide varieties of teas available. If you are a resident of California, you would certainly not have any problem in the availability of wide varieties of teas. In fact, you might not be aware of the fact that based on your mood you would now be able to get teas in various flavors and tastes. For instance, the Flowering Tea is very popular, and there are many people who simply love the flavor produced from this tea.

The preparation of this kind of tea is slightly different, and it is the flower that produces the main flavor. Apart from giving a sense of relaxation, this tea is also meant to be used for decorative presentation. In fact, flowering tea like jasmine has become quite popular as decorative teas. You can buy them in different designs, and when you present them to your guests, you can just impress them. In fact, this kind of tea can also bring in a sense of satisfaction in you. 

Another popular kind of tea is the Decaffeinated Tea . These are again available in different varieties, and each of these varieties offer lots of benefits. If you want to buy this kind of tea, you would be able to make a selection from among the green tea, the oolong tea and the black tea. These different varieties are filled with antioxidants, which are very healthy for the overall body. The antioxidants mainly create an effect on the free radicals of the body. As a result, they are useful in damaging the cancer cells.

On the other hand, if you want to combat your sleeplessness and get rid of the problems of insomnia in some way or the other, Sleepytime Tea is the ideal option for you. In fact, a special tea of this kind is very popular in California, and you can be assured that this tea really works. As soon as, you sip this tea, you would feel sleepy naturally, without the consumption of any harmful ingredient. The best thing that you would like about this tea is that it is completely herbal through which you would be able to tranquilize yourself.

In fact, the valerian root of Sleepytime Tea is wonderfully blended with organic pieces of vanilla, honeybush, blossoms of chamomile, and many other ingredients that can help you take a healthy drink and go off to sleep. This kind of tea is not available everywhere, and there are only some special places where you can expect to find such kinds of tea in the best qualities.

Resource Box:

California Tea House : We are particularly proud of our herbal tea blends which are grown at small, family owned and operated organic herbal farms in California where attention to quality, care and detail are held as the number one priority. These local organic herb farms are also the source of our preserved fruit, nuts, herbs and flowers that we use to blend up our unique loose leaf tea blends. These California grown herbal teas aren’t available at any other online tea stores. These will open your tea mind and body to the taste of flora and spice in our very own California blends. Introduce tea lovers to the amazing, untouched world of local, California-grown, organic herbal teas, Decaffeinated Tea and to share with you their collection of the finest organic teas and custom loose leaf tea blends from the most sought after tea estates in the world and get best quality Sleepytime Tea . Visit us at for complete information!