Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Big Red Robe Tea

Big Red Robe tea, also known as Da Hong Pao Tea is surrounded in myth and legend. You wouldn’t think that a simple tea flavor could come with such a legendary story. But, big red robe happens to be one of the most famous Chinese teas, and it belongs to the oolong family of teas. Legend says that the tea was named after a rare red cloth used to cover the trees, from which the tea was produced, in order to prevent them from dying during the winter.

The Legend

The tea does in fact have a very long history; it was first produced on Wuyi Mountain located north of China’s Fujian province. Even though there are four oolong teas that grow on this mountain, big red robe is by far the most famous. The legend says an emperor during the Ming Dynasty; desperately try to save his mother who was very sick.

Apparently she drank the tea and made a complete recovery. The Emperor was so pleased and full of gratitude that he sent large amounts of the rare red cloth in order to protect the trees.

How to Brew Big Red Robe

You can brew big red robe tea in a few easy steps:

First, we recommend the tea be steep in a Yixing teapot if at all possible. But, if you don’t have one, your normal brewer will do just fine. With a smaller teapot, 4 ounces of water to 1 ounce of tea (5 to 6 teaspoons).

Next, steep the tea for about 30 to 45 seconds, and then pour the tea into a cup and drink. The best part about the deep flavour of red robe tea is you can save what’s left for 8 to 10 more fusions.

Health Benefits

Big Red Robe tea has incredible health benefits, which includes the following:

1.    Reduces high blood pressure
2.    Lowers blood sugar levels (type 2 diabetes)
3.    Relieves mental and physical stress
4.    Treats skin problems like eczema and rashes
5.    Helps with weight loss
6.    Helps strengthen teeth and fights tooth decay

Description and Taste

Big Red Robe tea has large dark leaves and smells sweet, almost like chocolate. The taste is also very pleasant, it almost feels smooth and soft; and has a wonderful aftertaste. The sweetness, accompanied with the amazing health benefits, makes this tea one special sweet treat you got to have.

Check out for complete information!

Organic Green Tea: Say Goodbye to Belly Fat

The experiments are over and the studies are in, and the news is very exciting. One of the first significant studies on the effects of organic green tea and weight loss was conducted on a group of men. The results were in fact quite amazing. The study showed that belly fat reduced significantly when the men were given a very rich and fusion of green tea every day. This is compared to men who were given a much lesser amount.

You more than likely hear it all the time – "lose weight without breaking a sweat!” And, no doubt the first thing that comes to your mind is balderdash. You have every right to be skeptical; there's always someone or some organization trying to sell a fast weight loss program or product. But organic green tea has an incredible way of helping you on your current road to losing weight.

The Incredible Wonders of Matcha Green Tea

Green tea matcha helps reduce stress, build your immune system and enhances metabolism. It also happens to be a ninja when it comes to fighting cancer. It's a fact, organic green tea contains antioxidants called catechin's, which hunt down dangerous toxins or radicals in your body. Matcha green tea is considered to be one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world.

Organic green tea can help slow down the age process

Did you know that in Okinawa, Japan people live the longest? The People's long life expectancy is contributed to the regular consumption of Matcha Green tea. It happens to be one of the most popular teas in Japan. But, organic green tea is quickly making its way across the world, because everyday people are learning about the benefits and quickly jumping on board.

Other health benefits include: - Improves the mind - Helps boost energy - High digestible fiber - Helps prevent heart disease and lowers cholesterol

Finding the best organic green tea isn't very difficult, but you just need to be careful the tea is authentic and organic.

Where can you buy organic green tea? You can purchase organic green tea online, and it’s very affordable!

Log on to for more information!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Valerian and chai tea

The valerian and chai tea of tea house is the best remedy for the insomnia. The insomnia is the disease occurs due to the lack of proper sleep at the correct time. The sleep lacked due to the problems in body, stress and the anxiety.

The natural cure is the valerian root for insomnia, which reduces the stress and anxiety. The combination of valerian root and the organic flowering tea masala chai tea act as the antioxidant to recover all the diseases. The two different tastes are mixed and gave the good taste and healthiness to the body.

The insomnia cannot be specified by saying the hours without sleep and it may vary according to person. The proper advice can be got from the doctor or else can get the valerian root from the tea house. All age groups are affected by the insomnia and the natural treatment for insomnia is valerian and chai tea.

The insomnia can affect the women easily than the men and children. If the insomnia is not treated properly, then it will be grown into chronic insomnia.

Symptoms of insomnia

The person will be felt sleepy during the day time and will be felt so tired. The memory power will be reduced and the people will be irritated to all the things. The sleep history should be diagnosed properly by the doctor, but the treatment can be given through natural tea.


After getting doctor’s advice, you should know how to stop insomnia. Before going to sleep, the valerian root tea and chai tea should be consumed. Instead of that, the sleeping pills are used by certain people. But the pills will give the side effects and it will give drowsiness for the whole day.

The benefits of the tea are fighting against the infection and indigestion can be cured. The immune system can be strengthened and the energy level can be increased. The mind can be got relaxed and can live with the calm sleep.

The heart problems are also cured and the neurons are nourished. The organs are stimulated and the cold can be avoided. The herbal tea is different from the ordinary tea, in which the leaves can be boiled in the water.

In normal life, the herbs are not used by the people. The tea is the only herb that is used by most of the people. The tea will give the pleasure to the mind and boost the energy level. The honey bush can be used with the tea for the soothing quality.

The vanilla pieces are also used as toppings and the dose of the roots are doubled. The cloves, chamomile blossoms and the chai zing are also used in the chai tea. The Valerian tea is also called as bed time chai and the excitement can be doubled through this tea.

Just one spoon can be added with the boiling water and can be kept for 10 minutes. The mood created by consuming the bedtime chai is sweet dreams. The tea can be ordered easily and the consumption of tea will give the sure sleep with the cheap price.

Check out for complete details!

What is Blooming tea?

A wonderful question!

Yes, we've gone through it time and time again, tea happens to be an old invention. In fact you need to go back about 1000 years in China to discover where tea originated from. But today, we are going to talk about Blooming tea or sometimes referred to as flowering tea; Blooming tea flowers are actually a more modern invention.

Blooming tea is a 20th century invention from China, and is purely handcrafted with whole leaves and freshly dried flowers. It is also referred to as Blossom tea, because like a real flower, once dropped in hot water it literally blossoms! Blooming tea flowers creates an entirely different experience to drinking tea.

Creative History

Have you ever heard of a tea master?

The two words look like an unlikely pair. There are two men from China, who are considered tea masters; and both played a role in the Blooming tea invention.

One man is from An Hui, and he grew up on a tea farm. Both his father and grandfather farmed before him.  When he was younger, he watched as his mother made sun-dried vegetables. When making sun-dried vegetables, it is Chinese tradition to use a special local leaf to bundle up them up. Once complete they are then stored for winter.

To make a long story short, the young man decided to apply the same technique to dried tea leaves, by bundling up the leaves together to create a really cool artful shape. After years of testing, he eventually created a special tea category, called Blooming tea.  The process involves handcrafting, leaf by leaf, to final sewing. This then artful form of tea unfolds in hot water blossoming into what seems a beautiful flower – even though there is no flower attached. The young man shared his technique with all local tea farmers sometime in the mid-80s.

The second tea master actually saved his family's tea farm with the idea. Back in the 90s, a family in southern China was on the brink of losing their entire livelihood. One day a family member, who also happened to be a sales rep, began questioning what he noticed in tea houses. It is Chinese tradition that men drink loose-leaf tea , because they believe they are much stronger. However women love flowers such as rose bud or Jasmine. In China when men and women both go to tea houses they order two separate pots, one with whole leaves and the other herbal. He thought to combine the two together; therefore Blooming tea was born. Needless to say his creation saved the farm.

Why Buy Blooming Tea?

This is an easy answer; its aroma is enticing, it combines art with pleasure, it’s a romantic vision, and highly entertaining! If you want to try something incredibly unique, we highly recommend flowering tea.

For detailed information on chai, check out now!!